Young Professionals Mentor Events


GRACRE’s Mentorship Program is designed to help the professional development of GRACRE’s Young Professionals by providing them opportunities to interact and learn from senior real estate leaders in small group settings.


  1. To connect young real estate professionals with senior leaders they admire and may not have the opportunity to otherwise meet or speak within a friendly setting.
  2. To provide a venue for young real estate professionals to receive career advice, learn about relevant topics in the industry, and ask questions they may be hesitant to ask at larger events.
  3. To create an opportunity for mentors to speak about their career and meet young professionals in the industry without having to make a major time commitment.

Program Format

The program comprises of individual meetings on an ongoing basis that are led by different senior real estate professionals. The events are intended to be informal discussions over breakfast, lunch, or a site tour. The mentor will lead a conversation about his or her career, the Richmond real estate market, and provide insight into a current industry topic as appropriate (the topic would be provided in advance). The meetings are limited to 10-15 young professionals to facilitate open dialogue and questions. The program will not require an ongoing commitment from the young professionals but rather they will sign up for individual events based on interest in the mentor or topic.

If you are interested in participating in the mentorship as a mentor, please email Michael Higgs: